Πέμπτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Use of MARPOL Electronic Record Books.

From 1 October 2020, IMO amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, IV and V (and the NOx Technical Code, 2008)* will permit the use of electronic record books (in lieu of hard copy records).

Record Books Covered
The IMO amendments and guidelines apply to the following record books:

  • Oil Record Book, parts I and II (MARPOL Annex I)
  • Cargo Record Book (MARPOL Annex II)
  • Garbage Record Book, parts I and II (MARPOL Annex V)
  • Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book (MARPOL Annex VI)
  • Recording of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines (MARPOL Annex VI)
  • Record of Fuel Oil Changeover (MARPOL Annex VI)
  • Record Book of Engine Parameters (NOx Technical Code, 2008)
Approval of New and Existing Electronic Record Books

To be used to comply with these record keeping provisions, new and existing installations of electronic record books shall be approved by the flag Administration, or LR (Lloyd's Register) where authorised by Flag, to the IMO’s Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Record Books under MARPOL. Where LR is carrying out the approval, it will consist of type approval of the software and a subsequent installation survey on board.
Ship's Installation
Any ship choosing to use MARPOL electronic record books is required to carry a ship-specific Declaration, that confirms the installation meets the requirements of the IMO guidelines. The Declaration may be issued by the flag Administration, or where authorised by flag may be issued by LR following an installation survey on board.

During MARPOL surveys or Port State Control inspections, the absence of such a Declaration means an electronic record book (and the records it contains) may not be accepted as fulfilling the record-keeping provisions of MARPOL and the NOx Technical Code, 2008.

Type approval
Where requested by electronic record book manufacturers, LR can type approve their software applications, in accordance with the IMO guidelines.

Further information

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