Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

List of jurisdictions restricting or banning scrubber wash water discharges

Last updated 18 August 2020 

The MARPOL convention allows for the use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems1 (EGCS, more commonly referred to as scrubbers) as an alternative means of complying with the 2020 low sulphur regulations. However some jurisdictions have imposed local regulations which restrict or prohibit the discharge of wash water from scrubbers within their waters. The list below includes countries and ports where such restrictions are currently understood to be in place based on information received by the Association at the time of publication. However, the list should not be seen as necessarily complete and is for guidance only, in particular noting that local legislation can be subject to change at short notice. It is therefore important that Members monitor the current situation closely and always contact their local agent/representative prior to arrival. This should include seeking confirmation of the latest situation regarding any applicable requirements relating to the operation of scrubbers and any permission required from the relevant local authorities for their use.

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