Πέμπτη 18 Ιανουαρίου 2018

The Essential Guide to Cargo Damage

A cargo may be considered as damaged when it is received by the buyer in a condition worse than it was dispatched by the seller

Global trade involves the movement of cargo in ships from point to point across continents and the vast oceans. Seaborne trade accounts for almost 90% of the global trade, and with such a volume, it is inevitable that cargo damage may occur from time to time..

There are several people who are in the business of trading, but do not know or understand the types of cargo damage, how it happens, why it happens, how it can be prevented and what needs to be done when faced with a cargo damage claim.

This guide has been written for those who are interested in understanding and learning about the types of cargo damages, the reason why it happens, the preventive measures to be followed to avoid cargo damage and how it should be handled.
The guide may be downloaded at,

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