Πέμπτη 18 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Requirements of MARPOL ANNEX V as amended by MEPC.277(70)

At the seventy session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) held on October 2016, amendments to MARPOL V was adopted and amended MARPOL V adopted by MEPC.277(70) will enter into force on 1 March 2018. Please also refer to ClassNK Technical Information No.TEC-1103 issued on 10 March 2017.

And, also, implementation guideline of MARPOL V was amended by MEPC.295(71).

By the amendment, handling procedure, management method, and record keeping method regarding garbage from ships were changed. Therefore, vessels are required to implement the followings by 1 March 2018:

1. Solid bulk cargoes other than grain shall be classified in accordance with appendix I of MEPC.277(70), and declared by the shipper as to whether or not they are harmful to the marine environment.

2. Amended form (including amendment of garbage category for the purpose of recording) of Garbage Record Book has to be kept onboard and entries shall be made in the amended form. Please refer to appendix II of MEPC.277(70).

3. Garbage is to be handled taking into account amended garbage category.

Similar to before, no statutory certificate or mandatory inspection is regulated under the MARPOL V.

So far, Class NK has done many appraisal services related to MARPOL V under voluntary basis as requested by ship owners (refer to Class NK Technical Information No.TEC-1076). Now, we will continue this service according to the revised MARPOL V.

In case you require statement of fact according to the amended MARPOL V or examination of Garbage Management plan (including Garbage Management plan examined in accordance with existing MARPOL V), please contact the convenient Class NK survey site with the following necessary documents.

Required documents for the survey,

1)      Application 1 set

2)      Documents for the ship (Placards, Garbage Management plan and Garbage Record book) 2 sets each

3)      Documents for reference (Specification of (e.g. equipment for the handling of garbage)) 1 set

Both examination of Garbage Management Plan and onboard inspection are required to issue the appraisal certificate. (Only examination of Garbage Management Plan can be done without onboard inspection, but in this case appraisal certificate will not be issued)
Related IMO Circular may be downloaded at,

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