Παρασκευή 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Further to the requirement for vessels to use low sulphur fuels in all ports within the Zhejiang ECA, it has been announced that the same obligation will apply to all ports within the neighbouring Jiangsu ECA.
Correspondents Huatai have advised in their circular PNI1711 that the Jiangsu MSA have issued a formal notice on the updated requirements. It states that as of 1 September 2017 vessels calling at any port within the Jiangsu ECA must use fuel with a sulphur content of 0.5% or less when at berth (excluding one hour after and before departure).
Huatai advises this now means that the 0.5% sulphur restriction when at berth applies to all ports with the Yangtze River Delta ECA.

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