Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Serious Injuries in Scavenge Air Receivers

The Club has recently dealt with two identical serious arm injuries (Singapore and USA) caused during routine inspections and cleaning inside the main engine scavenge air receivers.

On both occasions  the engineer officers in question suffered serious, life-changing injuries to their right arms while taking photographs inside the scavenge spaces.

We would recommend that a proper risk assessment should be carried out and clear means of communication are established prior to any work being started inside the scavenge air spaces. The use of a “selfie stick” should also be considered when taking photographs inside the cylinder space and in the vicinity of moving pistons. Physically taking photographs inside the cylinder spaces is highly dangerous and should be avoided.

Scavenge Air Receivers are also enclosed spaces and proper entry procedures should be followed when carrying out work inside them.

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