Παρασκευή 26 Αυγούστου 2016

Overview of National BW requirements amendments

The circular contains information about latest updates and amendments in National Ballast Water regulations and requirements. SQEMARINE provides an overview of the major changes in a number of national, regional and local ballast water management regulations issued lately.

The main changes presented:

·         in Australia, where a new Biosecurity Act entered into force, replacing the Quarantine Act of 1908,

·         in Canada, where the St. Lawrence Seaway Ballast Water Reporting Form has been updated,

·         in New Zealand, where the Import Health Standard – Ballast Water from All Countries has been revised, and

·         in USA where US Coast Guard’s ballast water management reporting and recordkeeping requirements have been amended.

At the same time, minor updates and changes reviewed in a number of local BW regulations. All the above mentioned updates, changes and amendments are described thoroughly below.

On 16 June 2016 a new Biosecurity Act entered into force in Australia, replacing the Quarantine Act of 1908. The main legislative change, in relation to the operation of vessels, is alignment of Australian ballast water management requirements with those in the IMO’s Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention. The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is the lead Australian Government agency responsible for regulating the management and discharge of international ballast water inside Australian seas (the area within 12 nautical miles of the Australian coastal baseline). Reporting processes, forms and templates also updated.

A Reporting Form should be submitted, via email, prior to entry into Canadian waters. Vessels entering the Great Lakes are requested to use the St. Lawrence Seaway Form and for all other destinations in Canada the Canadian Form. St. Lawrence Seaway Form has been updated on 24 February 2016 thus it must be used accordingly. Minor changes have been also presented regarding sampling of ballast water, information about the use of Ballast Water Management Plan and Masters’ or Operators’ commitment to keep on board a copy of each Ballast Water Reporting Form for 24 months after it is submitted.

New Zealand

New version of Import Health Standard – Ballast Water from All Countries, issued on 17 May 2016, has been published. Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) New Zealand is the new National Monitoring Authority. Records and reporting requirements have been updated while update control measures and sampling procedures have been revised.

US Coast Guard’s ballast water management reporting and recordkeeping requirements have been recently amended. The amendments of CFR §§ 151.2060 Reporting Requirements (b) through (f) and 151.2070 Recordkeeping Requirements published Nov. 24, 2015 are effective Feb. 22, 2016. Furthermore, California State Lands Commission, beginning from July 01, 2016, only accepts the new Ballast Water Management Report.

Other minor updates of local national Ballast Water Requirements may be found below

Ship managers are advised to ensure that:

·         Ballast Water Management Plans are updated, effective and properly implemented on board in accordance with national requirements.

·         Vessel’s Crew is properly trained in Ballast Water Operations through on board training.

·         Master and Designated Ballast Water Management Officer are properly instructed regarding the local National Ballast Water requirements amendments.

·         Master and Designated Ballast Water Management Officers to be instructed to consult individual country authorities before entering their jurisdiction, to ensure compliance with any relevant ballast water regulation.

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