Δευτέρα 27 Μαΐου 2019

Fire Safety

Fire Safety
Modern ships may not be made of easily flammable wood but fire is still one of the most feared events onboard a ship.
Although a ship afloat is surrounded by the means to fight most fires, the construction of a ship and the flammable and explosive material that may be on board make fire-fighting a very hazardous venture.
Prevention and detection is therefore of the utmost importance. SOLAS requires regular checks for fire which today is mostly done by automatic systems of various types instead of the traditional means of fire patrols, but very often a fire will be discovered by a crewman or passenger before an automatic alarm system activates. For this reason it is important that manual fire alarm points are strategically located throughout the vessel and their locations well signed. Fire patrols are still required by some administrations even if automatic systems are fitted.
Engine rooms, personal cabins and cargo spaces are where most fires begin.
Some precautions can be taken if cargoes are known to have a particular issue connected with them such as spontaneous combustion in coal or iron ore cargoes or the need to be inerted to prevent volatile fumes from oil and gas cargoes escaping in tankers.
Many recent cases of fire that have led to total loss of the ship have involved cargoes inside containers. An article published last year by the Through Transport Club, suggested that container fires may occur on a weekly basis and statistics indicate there is a major container cargo fire at sea roughly every 60 days.
These have presented a particular problem for the industry as a whole and for crews on the ships affected because it is almost impossible to fight such fires using the equipment normally available on board.
Some attempt at solving this has been made with the IMO’s new requirement (SOLAS regulations IMO MSC.1/ Circ. 1472) for some new container ships built from 2016 onwards to be equipped with lances able to pierce containers and fire monitors able to assist in directing water jets on to containers in high stacks. Ships with a breadth up to 30m should be provided with at least two mobile water monitors and ships with a breadth exceeding 30m should be provided with at least four mobile water monitors.
A lance is attached to the fire main by a hose and a battery-operated drill is usually used to pierce the container so that it can be inserted into the container. Most lance systems are designed to then be left inserted into the container and to operate continuously without the need for the crew to remain in the vicinity. Although this might extinguish some fires, it should
not be forgotten that some chemicals react with water and if these are present in the container, a water lance may actually make matters worse.
However, both of these were available on the 2017-built, 15,262TEU Maersk Honam which suffered a major cargo fire in early March 2018 resulting in the death of four seafarers, but were ineffective in bringing the fire under control. Since then, there have been more container ship fires including two this year in the shape of Yantian Express and APL Vancouver. These are just the latest in a string of fires usually found to be connected to cargo being wrongly packed and wrongly declared.
To many, including classification societies and insurers, the current rules are inadequate and need to be revisited on a regular basis. Class societies are developing voluntary notations that go beyond the IMO requirements. For example, the ABS voluntary notation FOC which covers fire protection on container ships may require not four but 10 portable fire monitors, depending on the beam of the vessel.
ABS justifies this because when considering the sizes of the surface areas that need to be covered, the limited coverage that any one monitor may provide together with the possibility of restricted angles of attack limiting vertical reach and the possible interference due to lashing bridges, the number of monitors being carried would likely need to be split between the area forward and the area aft of the bay engaged in fire so having additional monitors available would be important.
The FOC notation also has requirements relating to the fire main and hydrants that go beyond SOLAS. ABS also has an FOC + notation which addresses the concern that prolonged exposure to the excessive heat of a fire could weaken the hatch covers, leading to their possible failure and the collapse of deck cargo into the hold. To address this concern, the FOC+ notation identifies specific requirements for a fixed water spray hatch cover cooling system.
The International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) has called upon regulators, class and industry stakeholders to explore ways to improve fire detection and fire-fighting capabilities on container ships.
One suggestion that has come from one of the IUMI’s own members suggests creating individual fire compartments below deck to prevent fire from spreading. These compartments would be fitted with fixed CO2 and water-based firefighting systems.
Boundary structures would also be fitted above deck to align with the water-cooled bulkheads below and also be fitted with fixed fire-fighting systems.
While these are all sensible suggestions, unless ship owners adopt them voluntarily or are forced to action by more stringent regulation, the likelihood of the issue of container ship fires being resolved any time soon is very small.
Fire and gas detection basics
Fire detection systems are compulsory in ships that have periodically unattended machinery spaces. In addition to the general fire alarm system, there are other devices on board that will alert crew when a situation that could lead to a fire or explosion is occurring. Temperature sensors on machinery and oil mist detectors fitted to the main engine both fall into this category.
So too do gas detectors that can monitor the build-up of explosive gases from oil and gas cargoes.
The vast majority of fire detection and alarm systems are those which make use of detectors and call points. Detectors are usually of three types sensing heat, smoke or flame. The first is by means of temperature sensors, the second by an ion chamber and the third by using infrared light to detect flicker patterns caused by flames.
For cargo holds, a different type of smoke detection is used. Sampling smoke detectors draw air from the cargo hold continually using fans and a pipework system that can also be used to send CO2 gas to extinguish a fire in the hold. In the smoke detection system, the air is tested for smoke and other combustion products before being vented to air.
A fire detection system can be in one of two configurations. These are usually described as conventional or addressable with the latter being able to pinpoint the exact area where a fire has started or the alarm has been raised. The choice between the two systems often comes down to a question of cost but there is no doubt that on a large vessel, particularly on a passenger ship, the addressable systems are far more preferable.
In operation, both systems work in much the same way and will use common components. The difference between the two systems is the way in which the detectors and call points are connected to the control panel. In a conventional system, the detectors and call points are linked to the control panel using individual wire connections, whereas in an addressable system a number of detectors and call points will be linked together using what are referred to as loops. This means that in a conventional system, although there are more wires and consequently a more expensive connection operation, the system is not as accurate as the addressable system. Each device along the loop has its own unique identifiable address but in the conventional system this is not the case.
Sniffing out silent killers
Over the years there have been several incidents involving leakage of hydrocarbon gases from tanker cargoes. Leaks into pump rooms and other machinery spaces present a risk of explosion while leaks into void spaces and ballast tanks present a danger to crew entering those spaces. Gas detectors are used to identify the presence of these gases allowing appropriate action to be
As with much of the equipment on ships, the gas detection equipment is not unique to the marine industry and is identical to devices used in several shore-based applications. The devices can be obtained from several sources including direct from manufacturers, from ship chandlers and specialist safety equipment suppliers.
Gas detection equipment measures a gas’s concentration against a calibration gas that acts as a reference point. In the early days of gas detection, monitors detected a single gas, but a modern unit can detect several toxic or combustible gases, or even combinations of them.
Detection systems for ships come in three basic types:
portable and
Fixed gas detectors are set up in much the same way as a fire detection system with strategically-placed detectors linked to a central control panel. At least one leading manufacturer markets a combined fire and gas detection system.
Portable gas detectors consist of a device that can be carried to any location for testing its atmosphere. They will be used for a variety of purposes such as fire patrols and checking before entry into enclosed spaces is attempted. Personal devices are intended to be worn by crew when carrying out their duties in areas likely to be affected by gas leaks.
All types of gas detector require regular testing and calibration. Because of their obvious importance to safety, it is advisable for testing to be carried out before each use.
SOLAS II-2 regulation 4 requires tankers to be equipped with at least one portable instrument
for measuring flammable vapour concentrations, together with a sufficient set of spares and a means for calibrating such instruments. Where the atmosphere in double-hull spaces cannot be reliably measured using flexible gas sampling hoses, the spaces must be fitted with permanent gas sampling lines configured with the design of the spaces taken into account.
In addition, the pump rooms of tankers carrying cargoes with a flashpoint of below 60°C are required to be fitted with a system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydrocarbon gases. Sampling points or detector heads must be located in suitable positions in order that potentially dangerous leakages are readily detected.
When the hydrocarbon gas concentration reaches a pre-set level – no higher than 10% of the lower flammable limit – a continuous audible and visual alarm signal must be automatically activated in the pump- room, engine control room, cargo control room and navigation bridge to alert personnel to the potential hazard.
Details of the equipment and performance standards for fixed gas detection systems were formulated some years after the FSS Code was first published and are contained in a new Chapter 16 that was added to the code in 2007. An updated version was approved in 2010 and can be found in MSC.1/Circ.1370.
In September 2013, the IMO amended SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 relating to the carriage requirements for portable instruments to test the atmosphere of enclosed spaces for oxygen, flammable products, H2S and CO. There is something of an overlap with the requirement for portable instruments and the requirement for enclosed space entry drills and training every two
months that became mandatory as of January 2015 under amendments to SOLAS (Regulation III/19). The IMO has urged flag states to accelerate the requirement for testing equipment and it may be that for some ships the need to carry equipment is already in place.
To accompany the new IMO regulation, there is an MSC circular on guidelines to facilitate the selection of portable atmosphere testing instruments for enclosed spaces. As well as a need to purchase suitable equipment, the regulation will also mean that most companies will need to amend their working practices and safety systems.
There is currently no requirement for a portable instrument on any ship type to be able to detect the potential gases that might be found in ballast tanks as a consequence of treating ballast water. Considering that some ballast systems – even explosion- proof versions – can produce highly flammable hydrogen or toxic chlorine, some concerns have been expressed as to what may happen if a fault develops in those systems.
An aspect of the type-approval for the explosion-proof ballast treatment systems is the requirement for alarms when hydrogen levels exceed certain levels and for the system to shut down if levels reach a point below the lower explosive limit, although the exact level can vary from system to system. For systems where chlorine gas may be present, the main concern of the IMO is ensuring the gas is neutralized before or during discharge to protect the environment.
However, for crew required to enter a ballast tank in a possible emergency, determining the level of either gas as well as those already covered may be a matter of life or death.
Shipboard fire-fighting systems
Over time, new technologies have improved the arsenal of weapons that ship crews have in the battle against fire but fighting fire may well still involve manual means such as fire hoses and hand-held extinguishers, buckets and sand as well as advanced systems such as water mist, sprinklers and gas suppressants.
When it comes to fire extinguishers, the wrong choice can make matters worse.
Part of a seafarer’s basic training will cover which type of extinguisher to use in different situations.
There are six different types of handheld extinguishers with each type intended for dealing with one or more of the different types of fires and completely unsuited for others:
  1. Powder fire extinguishers are ideal for use in mixed risk environments. They are the only effective solution for fires involving flammable gases.
  2. Foam fire extinguishers are ideal for use on fire involving solid combustible materials and are highly effective on flammable liquid fires. The layer of foam applied by these extinguishers helps to prevent re-ignition after the fire has been extinguished.
  3. CO2 fire extinguishers are suitable for use on flammable liquid fires and are extremely effective at extinguishing fire involving electrical equipment.
  4. Water fire extinguishers are suitable for use in environments containing solid combustible materials such as wood, paper and textiles. They should not be used around electrical equipment (unless water extinguishers with additive are used).
  5. Wet chemical fire extinguishers are usually supplied with a special application lance. They are intended for tackling large burning oil fires and are ideally suited to the kitchen/galley environment.
  6. Water mist works on the basis of using microscopic particles of water to cool a fire, suffocate it and then cool the burning media to prevent re-ignition. Water mists extinguishers are ideal for covering areas where multiple fire risks can be found.
Manual fire-fighting when not involving fire extinguishers will rely on pumps and hoses. A sufficient supply of water for fighting fires is not normally a problem for ships unless the pumps and hoses are damaged or inoperable or if the vessel is at a berth where it either lays aground or where the water depth is very shallow. In the latter cases it is always a wise precaution for the ship’s officers and crew to ensure that a shore hydrant is available nearby.
Unlike fighting fires ashore where the volume of water used is not an issue, at sea an excess of water is highly dangerous and cause the ship to capsize. Water can also react with some cargoes releasing hazardous gasses or even causing further fires and explosions. The latest requirement
for container ships to carry a water lance capable of penetrating a container may well help extinguish some fires but some believe that it will be a matter of time before the use of such equipment will actually cause a fire to become much fiercer.
The FSS Code and SOLAS contain regulations that cover all aspects of the fire pumps, hydrants and hoses, including their capacity, placement and numbers. Exact details will be ship-specific and will also be dependent on ship type. The regulations also cover ventilation, dampers and fire
A system will inevitably contain numerous valves to isolate parts of the system when maintenance or repair work is needed. The valves connecting the pumps to the sea chest should only be closed when work is being done so that at all other times there will be a ready supply of water to the system. Checking the status of valves is an essential part of regular inspections.
Piping is an often-neglected part of the fire system but its condition is as important as any other part since a damaged or leaking pipe can render the whole system useless. Pipes for the fire system are generally of steel construction and therefore subject to corrosion. This is especially true of pipes on deck exposed to the open air and corrosion on these pipes often goes undetected, especially if paint is concealing areas of wastage.
A suitable fire hose should be stored close to each hydrant together with appropriate connectors and nozzles. As with the pipes, hoses should be checked regularly for damage. All ships are required to carry an international fire hose connector so that in the event of failure of its own firefighting system, a ship in port can have its piping and hosing system connected to a shore water supply. The connector can also be used to connect the system to the pumps of another vessel when in port or at sea.
Sprinklers and water mist
Most modern ships are now equipped with a sprinkler or water mist/fog extinguishing system. In such systems, the sprinkler head is usually a combined detector unit. Sprinkler systems can also be activated manually if a fire is seen before the system activates. When heat or smoke activates
the system, the head water is released to extinguish the fire. The types of systems are basically similar in that they use water released from overhead points when activated but the mist systems use less water and have other claimed advantages.
The water for the systems is supplied through the sea chest but there is also a tank of fresh water that is used in the first instance for priming the system so that the standing water in the pipes is not corrosive.
Sprinkler and water mist systems can be brought into action faster than gas systems since it is not necessary to close openings, shut down ventilation or evacuate the space before release. The time needed to extinguish fires with water mist can be longer than for gas, but water mist also cools the space and controls smoke in the process.An unlimited water supply is also usually available.
In a water mist system, the water is under pressure and released through a spray head. The small water droplets allow the mist to control, suppress or extinguish fires by cooling both flame and atmosphere and displacing oxygen by evaporation. The mist is more penetrative than water from sprinklers and also acts as a smoke suppressant thus preventing other heads from being activated by smoke and so reducing water demand.
From a safety point of view, the ship’s stability is far less likely to be compromised by the free surface effect of the amount of water used and, for those systems using fresh water, carrying less of it means more cargo capacity is available or less fuel is needed. Water mist has been shown to be highly effective at extinguishing fires in both demonstrations and actual operational
Water mist systems come in both high-pressure and low-pressure variants. Over the years, the pressure needed to produce the fine droplets has reduced from around 100 bar to levels around 7 bar in some systems. There are, however, still plenty of manufacturers that continue to produce high-pressure systems.
Proponents of these argue that the higher pressure produces smaller droplets that aid in rapid extinguishing. The water droplets can expand to almost 2,000 times in size as they vaporise, depriving the fire of essential oxygen. The more droplets there are and the greater the area they occupy, the more effective will be the suppression. Although considered an improvement over sprinkler systems, water mist installations are not without problems. After several vessels were detained in US ports as a result of inoperable systems, a number of flag states and P&I clubs considered it necessary to offer advice on maintenance and checking of systems. It appears that the majority of the detentions were due to systems being secured either by closed supply valves or by placing the system in a manual mode of operation.
When a system requiring an automatic operation capability is placed in manual mode, the sensors and alarms are not engaged and the system’s quick response capability is disabled. The chances of a fire spreading increase when the protected space is unmanned and the overall effectiveness of the water mist system could be reduced, particularly in terms of time needed to extinguish the fire.
Gas protection
In addition to water, there are other means that are used to fight fire on ships. Some of the most effective systems, such as those that use Halon, have been banned under the Montreal Convention because of their ozone-depleting effects. An alternative called Novec 1230 is now used instead of Halon.
Novec 1230 systems are individually designed and appropriate sized storage cylinders chosen according to the hydraulics and quantity of agent required. The components are designed and tested to operate in the temperature range 0°C to 50°C. The cylinders are generally stored outside the area being protected although under certain circumstances they can be kept in the same space. Novec 1230 systems are designed to hold both the Novec 1230 in the form of a liquid and nitrogen, which is used to super-pressurise the container to 24.8bar at 20°C.
When the system is activated the contents flow into the distribution pipework to the discharge nozzle(s) where it is dispersed as a vapour in less than 10 seconds. During the discharge the enclosure will be fogged which may reduce visibility. This normally clears rapidly and should not obstruct the ability of personnel to safely exit the protected area.
Under normal conditions, Novec 1230 is a colourless and low-odour fluid with a density around 11 times that of air. It decomposes at temperatures above 500°C and it is therefore important to avoid applications involving hazards where continuously hot surfaces are involved. Upon exposure to flames, Novec 1230 will decompose to form halogen acids.
Their presence will be readily detected by a sharp, pungent odour before maximum hazardous exposure levels are reached. Fire toxicity studies show that decomposition products from the fire itself, especially carbon monoxide, smoke, oxygen depletion and heat, may create a greater hazard.
The successful performance of a gaseous total flooding system is largely dependent on the integrity of the protected enclosure.
It is essential that a room integrity test is performed on any protected enclosure to establish the total equivalent leakage area and enable a prediction to be made of the enclosure’s ability to retain Novec 1230. The required retention time will depend on the particulars of the hazard, but MSC/Circ.848 states that this should not be less than 15 minutes. Longer retention times may sometimes be necessary if enclosures contain hazards that may readily become deep seated.
CO2 systems – protection and perils
Considering that Halon systems were banned because of their ozone depleting properties, it seems a little ironic that the more common replacement other than Novec 1230 is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is also highly criticised as a modern ‘pollutant’ and greenhouse gas.
CO2 can be used either in a hand-held extinguisher or as a flooding system. In a flooding system it is one of the most commonly used fire-extinguishing agents in ships’ engine rooms. It gas has excellent fire extinguishing capabilities and is relatively inexpensive but can pose a serious risk to
personnel because it works by reducing the oxygen content in the atmosphere.
With CO2 systems, the period between detecting a fire and releasing the gas often seems quite long because crew must evacuate the area to avoid the lethal effects of the gas. As a consequence, minor fires have sometimes been allowed to escalate causing loss of life and even total loss of ships.
Issues with CO2 systems feature in many official accident investigations and advice to the industry is regularly promulgated by insurers, P&I clubs, class societies and other bodies. The concentration of CO2 above certain levels in fire-fighting applications is a major concern amongst fire safety regulators.
SOLAS does not prohibit the use of CO2 in systems protecting a ship’s engine room, or other spaces where crew has access during normal operation, but the risks to personnel are clearly recognised and SOLAS calls for various safeguards, such as two separate and interlocked controls, pre-discharge alarms and time-delays, to protect personnel in the engine room. SOLAS does not, however, allow portable CO2 extinguishers to be placed in the accommodation spaces on board ships, due to the associated risk to personnel.
For the typical engine room fire involving flammable liquids, it is important to introduce the required quantities of CO2 quickly to limit the escalation of the fire. Investigations reveal that evacuation, muster and head counts during engine room fires often take longer than expected because crew are not disciplined in mustering.
Because of limited storage capacity, very few ships can carry enough gas for more than a single discharge. CO2 has a limited cooling effect and the temperature of equipment and structures in the engine room may be very high, in particular if the time taken to release the fixed fire-extinguishing system was long.
There is a further risk to fire fighters or crew who enter the space too soon, thus allowing entry of oxygen-rich air, which can cause the fire to reignite. Most advice issued with regard to CO2 systems recommends fostering awareness of the hazards related to their use through detailed and unambiguous procedures, proper training and prescribed maintenance.
The dangers of CO2 must be continuously stressed and training and experience transfer between crew should create a common understanding of the functionality, limitations and hazards associated with the ship’s specific installation.
The design of a CO2 system is covered in the FSS Code and will need to be approved by the flag state or the classification society but there are aspects which should be considered as common sense. For example, at least one engine room ventilation fan should be powered by an emergency generator so as to aid in making the engine room safe for entry after use of the system. In addition, the dangers of a CO2 system are not confined to the spaces they are designed to protect but extend to the CO2 storage area itself. It is not unknown for the cylinders
to leak, creating a suffocation hazard in the CO2 store room. As a consequence, there should be adequate ventilation and the area should be considered as an enclosed space with appropriate procedures in place for testing prior to entry.

Σάββατο 25 Μαΐου 2019

The scrubber option versus the LNG option

A growing number of countries and regions around the world are introducing bans on open loop scrubbers that use seawater in the exhaust cleaning process.

What are the ambitions behind the bans, what are the consequences for stakeholders along the entire value chain, and what are the options?

Yara Marine Technologies R&D manager, Shyam Thapa examines the facts behind the debate: “Some studies have shown that open loop bans have no real environmental impact, while others maintain that the effects of wash water on marine life have yet to be assessed or may even be harmful.”
Regardless, he said, there are different reasons for enacting bans. Open loop scrubbers do not perform effectively in water with low alkalinity, such as rivers and inland waterways.
“In these areas, systems supplying alkali in a closed loop are required, so open loop bans are largely formalities.”
Some private ports are also enacting open loop bans, but Thapa said that this may often be for reasons other than environmental concerns.
He believed that a combination of ‘want to’ and ‘need to’ is a likely future scenario on open loop scrubber bans, with flexibility being the common key to ensuring compliance and unrestricted operations.
Yara Marine manufactures both open and closed loop exhaust scrubber systems, and hybrid scrubbers capable of operating in either mode depending on applicable geographical regulations. “Open loop is still viable for 80-90% of global marine transport,” Thapa claimed. “Our estimates for hybrid solutions assume maximum 15% of operation time using closed loop mode. But if the vessel is operating in waters where open loop is forbidden, owners either need to be able to operate the scrubber in closed mode or switch over to alternative fuel.”

Scrubber smart

For those still pondering their options, Thapa is sympathetic. “I think the main thing is to emphasize that the overall picture is more complex than what is presented in the media.
There are many factors in the calculation, and each case is different. There is no blanket solution for every situation.”
He noted that vessel specific considerations and trading profiles will determine the choice of solution for many, venturing that the spread of open loop bans could influence more owners to choose hybrid solutions in order to ensure flexible operations for the life of the vessel.
Thapa claimed that those choosing Yara Marine will benefit from a simple, light and efficient solution. The company’s in-line system has no internal moving parts, and Yara’s magnesium oxide technology is cheaper to operate and maintain and safer than systems requiring caustic soda.
International research continues into the effects of scrubber wash water discharge to the sea. Several major ship owners have been collecting data from their fleets as well, and all will have to be considered before consensus can be reached on the ultimate consequence of open loop scrubbers for marine environments.
Yara is involved in an ongoing research project with Chalmers University of Technology to combine SOx and NOx gas cleaning in a single system. The project is also investigating possible industrial uses for exhaust sludge. The results could be applicable for both marine and land-based applications, giving the project wider environmental significance.
The company is also working intensively to solve the issue of particulate matter (PM) from combustion processes. The goal is to reduce harmful PM smaller than 2.5 micron by more than 95%.
Yara Marine Technologies CEO, Peter Strandberg, would like to see further investigation into scrubber options, supported by more hard facts: “We want to see more independent research to move the debate forward, and we invite owners and operators who are uncertain about the best scrubber solution for them to contact us. With our flexible technology, Yara Marine can help owners and operators comply, whatever the abatement requirement.”

LNG as a fuel

One of the champions of the use of LNG as a fuel is the Sovcomflot Group (SCF). At the Digital Ship - Vessel Performance Optimization (VPO) Forum held in Limassol, Cyprus last month, Dr Oleg Kalinin, SCF Management Services’ fleet director gave an outline of the company’s involvement in utilizing LNG for part of its tanker fleet.
He explained that SCF had taken delivery of four out of eight LNG powered Aframaxes ordered from Hyundai Samho and latterly at Zvezda and had ordered another three LNG fueled MRs at Zvezda.
The vessels form part of SCF’s ‘Green Funnel’ operation whereby ships use LNG as the primary fuel source.
He said that accepting there are more than 2,500 vessels fitted with scrubbers, this equates to around 10-15% of of the total fuel consumption with the result that the remainder of the fleet will have to burn IMO 2020 compliant fuels.
The challenges of running on LNG depend on the vessel design and performance, safety, shore staff and seafarer training, operations and maintenance, the infrastructure and capital costs.
On the Aframaxes, SCF opted for WinGD X-DF 7x62DF low-speed dual-fuel propulsion units with low-pressure gas injection. They are rated at 13,800 kW at 86 rev/min each giving a service speed of 14.6 knots. The daily fuel consumption is 42.3 tonnes when operating in Tier II fuel oil mode, or 34.7 tonnes daily when burning gas.
For bunkering, SCF is involved in a joint industry initiative with Shell and is participating in a Shell working group to develop LNG bunkering procedures and manuals.
As a result, SCF’s quality and safety management system bunkering procedures have been amended. The company has also requested Shell to ask OCIMF to amend the SIRE VIQ for vetting purposes, Dr Kalinin said.
He pointed out that SCF has been operating DFDE powered vessels since 2014 and there are currently eight in the fleet, mainly LNG carriers. Ships’ engineers from the LNGC pool are helping engineers on board the new Aframaxes with gas fuel operations.

Extra training

Additional training is also undertaken at the OEMs’ premises, at the shipyard and in-house, making use of the St Petersburg SFC Training Centre, as well as on board the ships.
He said that there were more than 100 ports worldwide with either LNG bunkering infrastructure in place or planning to fit facilities.
The Aframaxes are designed principally to trade between Northern Europe and the Baltic and have an Ice Class 1A Hull notation.
Maintenance and repairs can be undertaken in the region, for example, at Blohm + Voss and Remontowa.
Port discounts are available for LNG powered vessels, for example Antwerp is offering 15% discount for LNG fuelled ships, plus 20% of those fitted with closed loop scrubbers.
Rotterdam is also offering a similar package for LNG fuelled ships with a Green Award certificate.
Dr Kalinin said that the higher capital costs involved in fitting LNG fuel equipment on board could be offset by lower opex brought about by cheaper bunker costs from the Shell co-operation deal. At present, the Aframaxes are being bunkered from Gate Terminal in Rotterdam or the Baltic using Shell’s bunkering vessel ‘Cardissa’.
He said that lower opex and shorter returns on investment will drive LNG market penetration, as soon as ship operators face higher distillate costs.

Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2019

IMO Sulfur 2020 Guidelines Now Available Online

The IMO's 2019 guidelines on consistent implementation of 0.50 percent sulfur limit under MARPOL Annex VI adopted by resolution MEPC.320(74) are now available for download.
These comprehensive guidelines include a template for a “Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report (FONAR)” set out in Appendix 1 and a “Technical review of identified possible potential safety implications associated with the use of 2020 compliant fuels” set out in appendix 2.
The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) adopted the guidelines at its 74th session (May 13-17). 
The guidelines are available at the link,

Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2019

Court of Appeal decision confirms that Article IV (5) of Hague Rules does not apply to bulk and liquid cargoes

The recent Court of Appeal decision in Vinnlustodin HF v Sea Tank Shipping AS (the Aqasia) concerned a £367,839 claim by charterers against disponent owners in respect of contaminated fish oil in bulk carried on board a tanker. The charter party provided for the carriage of fish oil in bulk from Iceland to Norway and provided for lumpsum freight. The charter party also specifically incorporated Article IV (5) of the Hague Rules.
The owners accepted liability for the damaged cargo but argued that they were entitled to limit their liability to £54,730.90 by relying on the limitation amount per package or unit under Article IV (5), namely £100 per tonne. The owners claimed that the parties had clearly intended Article IV (5) to apply to a bulk cargo, having incorporated it into a charter party where bulk cargo was the only type of cargo contemplated.
The matter was referred to the court. For the purposes of Article IV (5), it was agreed that the definition of a 'package' could not apply to bulk cargoes, so the question for the court was whether the definition of a 'unit' could apply.
At first instance, Sir Jeremy Cooke held that the owners could not limit their liability, as Article IV (5) does not apply to bulk or liquid cargoes as they are neither packaged nor unitized. He held that a 'unit' meant a physical unit for shipment and not a unit of measurement, such as a metric tonne. In any event, he added that even if the latter interpretation was wrong, 'unit' must then refer to 'freight unit'. As the charter party provided for lumpsum freight (i.e., freight is paid irrespective of the cargo quantity), the limit could not apply to bulk cargoes. The owners appealed.
The main issue considered by the Court of Appeal was whether a 'unit' in Article IV (5) of the Hague Rules refers to:
  • a physical item of cargo or shipping unit; or
  • a unit of measurement used to denominate or quantify cargo in the contract of carriage.
In rejecting the owners' appeal, the Court of Appeal upheld the first-instance decision and found that the word 'unit' in Article IV(5) of the Hague Rules meant a physical item of cargo, not a unit of measurement for the following reasons:
  • The word 'package' clearly refers to a physical item and the use of the words 'package' and 'unit' together suggests that both words concern physical items rather than units of measurements.
  • This is also evident from Article III(3)(b) of the Hague Rules, which refers specifically to both the weight or quantity of cargo: "After receiving the goods into his charge the carrier or master shall issue a bill of lading showing… either the number of packages or pieces, or the quantity, or weight, as the case may be".
  • Giving the word 'unit' different meanings for different types of cargoes (ie, physical items and units of measurements) also creates an obvious problem. The example used was unpackaged items such as cars, where bills of lading not only specified the number of units in the sense of the number of cars, but also their weight. Which of the two was to be taken to be the 'unit' for limitation purposes was unclear.
In light of the court's interpretation of Article IV, it did not matter what the parties intended when they incorporated it into the charter party. In order to limit liability for bulk or liquid cargoes in these circumstances, the owners should have:
  • included a deeming provision in a charter party giving Article IV(5) and 'unit' a different meaning; or
  • incorporated the Hague Rules package limitation, which include a weight factor.
This case confirms that Article IV(5) of the Hague Rules does not apply to bulk and liquid cargoes and therefore a carrier cannot limit liability for such cargoes under said rules – an issue which has been lacking direct authority for over 90 years.
For ease of reference the particular article of the rules is quoted below.
Article IV(5) of Hague Rules 
5 (a) Unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill of lading, neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with the goods in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 666.67 units of account per package or unit or units of account per kilo of gross weight of the goods lost or damaged, whichever is the higher.
(b) The total amount recoverable shall be calculated by reference to the value of such goods at the place and time at which the goods are discharged from the ship in accordance with the contract or should have been so discharged.
The value of the goods shall be fixed according to the commodity exchange price, or, if there be no such price, according to the current market price, or, if there be no commodity exchange price or current market price, by reference to the normal value of goods of the same kind and quality.
(c) Where a container, pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods, the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport shall be deemed the number of packages or units for the purpose of this paragraph as far as these packages or units are concerned. Except as aforesaid such article of transport shall be considered the package or unit.
(d) The unit of account mentioned in this Article is the special drawing right as defined by the International Monetary Fund. The amounts mentioned in h_visby/art/art04_5asub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be converted into national currency on the basis of the value of that currency on a date to be determined by the law of the Court seized of the case.
(e) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in this paragraph if it is proved that the damage resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result.
(f) The declaration mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, if embodied in the bill of lading, shall be prima facie evidence, but shall not be binding or conclusive on the carrier.
(g) By agreement between the carrier, master or agent of the carrier and the shipper other maximum amounts than those mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may be fixed, provided that no maximum amount so fixed shall be less than the appropriate maximum mentioned in that sub-paragraph.
(h) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible in any event for loss or damage to, or in connection with, goods if the nature or value thereof has been knowingly mis-stated by the shipper in the bill of lading.
6. Goods of an inflammable, explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier, master or agent of the carrier has not consented with knowledge of their nature and character, may at any time before discharge be landed at any place, or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation and the shipper of such goods shall be liable for all damages and expenses directly or indirectly arising out of or resulting from such shipment. If any such goods shipped with such knowledge and consent shall become a danger to the ship or cargo, they may in like manner be landed at any place, or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without liability on the part of the carrier except to general average, if any.