Κυριακή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Berthing in Hong Kong Waters

Currently, vessels berthing in Hong Kong waters (excluding the first hour after arrival and the first hour prior to departure) are required to use fuel oils whose sulphur content does not exceed 0.5% by weight, liquefied natural gas or other fuels approved by the Hong Kong authorities. 

However, in accordance with the "Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation", not only vessels berthing, but also vessels sailing in Hong Kong waters on or after 1 January 2019 shall be required to use fuel oils whose sulphur content does not exceed 0.5% by weight, liquefied natural gas or other fuels approved by the Hong Kong authorities. In addition, the following must be recorded in the vessel's log book, and this log book, the bunker delivery note and the written procedures for conducting a switching operation must be kept on board the vessel. 1. the date and time when the vessel enters the Hong Kong waters; 2. the date and time when the vessel exits the Hong Kong waters; 3. the date, time and position of the vessel when a fuel switch operation to compliant fuel is completed on the vessel; 4. the volume and sulphur content of the compliant fuel carried on the vessel for operating its specified machinery when a fuel switch operation to compliant fuel is completed on the vessel; 5. the date, time and the position of the vessel when a fuel switch operation to non-compliant fuel commences on the vessel; and 6. the volume and sulphur content of the compliant fuel carried on the vessel for operating its specified machinery when a fuel switch operation to non-compliant fuel commences on the vessel. For further details regarding this regulation, please refer to the attached L.N.135 of 2018 "Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation".

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