Πέμπτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2017

ABS issues guide for LNG bunkering

The ABS classification society recently issued guide regarding the bunkering of liquefied natural gas. The application of this Guide is optional. However, compliance with requirements of the Guide is compulsory when seeking the optional LNG Bunkering notation.
This Guide has been developed to outline the requirements for the design, construction, and survey of liquefied gas carriers and barges fitted with dedicated LNG transfer arrangements and intended to operate in regular LNG bunkering service.

This Guide is focused on the requirements for bunkering of LNG, the remainder of the vessel is to comply with the applicable edition of the ABS Rules. Users of this Guide are advised that the process of bunkering LNG involves a number of interested parties, including a vessel’s flag Administration, national regulatory bodies and port authorities. Therefore proposals are subject to review and approval by the applicable authorities with respect to installed safety equipment, operational practices, crew training, bunkering safety distances, simultaneous operations, etc. Accordingly ship designers, shipyards, ship owners/operators and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to determine the full applicable requirements and obtain the necessary approvals as early as possible in any LNG bunkering new construction or conversion project.

Furthermore, the objective of this Guide is to provide criteria for the design, construction, installation, survey and operation of LNG transfer arrangements, associated machinery, equipment and systems in order to minimize risks to the vessel, crew and the environment.


• Vessel construction is in accordance with the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Steel Vessel Rules), ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 90 Meters (295 feet) in Length (Under 90m Rules), ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges (Barge Rules) or the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways (River Rules), as applicable.

• LNG containment systems are designed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the IGC Code, as incorporated by Section 5C-8-4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

• LNG tank pressure, temperature and loading/filling limits are maintained within the design limits of the tank at all times.

• Means are provided to evacuate, purge and gas free the LNG tanks.

• LNG tanks are in a protected location.

• LNG containment spaces, bunkering stations and machinery spaces containing LNG or gas processing equipment are located and arranged such that the risk of any release of liquid or vapor will be minimized. Arrangements are provided for safe access during operations and inspections.

• LNG piping, systems and arrangements provide safe handling of liquid and vapor under all operating conditions. Means are provided to inert and gas free piping and systems.

• Bunker stations are arranged to provide compatible LNG transfer.

• Automation, instrumentation, monitoring and control systems are provided to minimize the risks with carriage, distibution and bunkering of LNG.

• Operation and maintenance manuals are provided for all LNG
Guides may be downloaded at,

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