Δευτέρα 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

7 Points To Remember When Manning And Supervising Ship’s Survival Craft

With the manpower having reduced to a fundamental minimum on board ships, it is all the more imperative to keep safety at sea as the prime concern for the crew.
Regular maintenance of lifeboats, life rafts and other such safety entities must be done thoroughly, for it is kept in place for the benefit of the workforce. After all, at the time of distress, it the survival craft that is going to get us to safety.

Although it might seem cumbersome after a day’s work, drills on ships are kept in place to ensure that the entire workforce is thorough with each and every safety procedure with regard to evacuation or any other emergency.
It might sound cliché, but it is only with regular practice of the drills that the operation of the lifeboat/rescue boat and life rafts becomes a lot easier. I’m sure we will all agree that after repeated drills, every nook and corner of the survival craft comes easily to the memory.
Keeping all of the above in mind, following articles should be read, introducing among others the 7 points to remember with regard to manning of survival craft and supervision,



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