Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2016

California to Enforce At-Berth Regulation Next Year

California Air Resources Board (ARB) has issued an advisory to inform affected vessel fleets and terminal operators as to how Air Resources Board (ARB) staff will proceed with enforcement of the Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Auxiliary Diesel Engines Operated on Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth in a California Port (At-Berth Regulation or Regulation), beginning January 1, 2017.

The provisions in this Advisory will cover actions beginning January 1, 2017, and ending when ARB revokes this Advisory. ARB will evaluate eligibility for the flexibility provided in this Advisory on a case-by-case basis, as set forth below. As of January 1, 2017, this Advisory supersedes previous advisories (dated December 2013 and March 2015) regarding the At-Berth Regulation. Vessel fleet and terminal compliance plans for the 2017 calendar year may follow the guidance in this Advisory

ARB’s At-Berth Regulation is intended to reduce emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from auxiliary engines on ocean-going vessels while at-berth at California ports. Fleets affected by the Regulation include those composed of container vessels, passenger vessels, or refrigerated cargo vessels. Fleets can comply through one of two paths: the Reduced Onboard Power Generation Option (that relies on use of shore-based electrical power), or the alternative Equivalent Emissions Reduction Option.

The Regulation requires fleets complying under the Reduced Onboard Power Generation Option to satisfy the following two criteria beginning on January 1, 2017:

• Visits: At least 70 percent of a fleet’s visits to a port must satisfy the following limit on engine operation: for each visit, the auxiliary engines on the vessel cannot operate for more than three hours during the entire time the vessel is at-berth (e.g., a shore power visit); and

• Power Reductions: The fleet’s total onboard auxiliary engine power generation must be reduced by at least 70 percent from the fleet’s baseline power generation.

Fleets that comply under the Equivalent Emission Reduction Option pathway must reduce NOx and PM by 70percent or more through use of an ARB-approved technology.

On January 1, 2020, the requirements under the existing regulation increase to 80 percent for the visit, power reduction, and equivalent emission reduction requirements.

ARB understands it may not be possible for regulated entities to satisfy certain provisions in the Regulation under certain circumstances. As a result, ARB will offer six possible scenarios (see relevant advisory below), which may apply on a case-bycase basis, with the objective of providing flexibility to fleets that have equipped their vessels to use shore power or contracted to use an alternative control technology to comply with the At-Berth Regulation.

View the six different scenarios that California ARB offers by reading current advisory

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