Παρασκευή 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Australia to Ιmplement Μandatory Βiofouling Μanagement Ρequirements

From 15 June 2022, international ships arriving in Australia will have to comply with new requirements for managing biofouling. This will include biofouling reporting requirements prior to arriving in Australian territorial seas.

In about four months, Australia will require all ships that enter or intend to enter Australian territory to comply with its mandatory Biofouling requirements.

The Biosecurity Amendment (Biofouling Management) Regulations 2021, which come into force on 15 June 2022, will require ships to report information about biofouling management and the voyage history of the ship in the past 12 months through a ship’s pre-arrival report.

From 15 June 2022 to 15 December 2023, an education first approach will be taken, however, powers under the Biosecurity Act 2015 will continue to be used to manage unacceptable biosecurity risk associated with biofouling.

Ship operators will need to provide information on biofouling management to the Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (MARS) prior to arrival.

According to Australia, the new policy is consistent with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) 2011 Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species. It is therefore anticipated that Australia will expect international ships to comply with the IMO guidelines including implementing a biofouling management plan (BFMP) and carrying records in a biofouling record book (BFRB).

Australia has also announced that information provided by the ships will be used to target and conduct physical inspections.

Ship operators may receive fewer physical inspections for biofouling if they comply with one of the following three accepted biofouling management practices:

Implementation of an effective biofouling management plan; or

Cleaned all biofouling within 30 days prior to arriving in Australian territory; or

Implementation of an alternative biofouling management method pre-approved by the department.

Further information at,



Κυριακή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Anchoring awareness revisited

Port Authorities today, most likely require lost anchors to be found and removed, thereby resulting in a “wreck removal” case. The more serious and very costly cases occur when dragging anchors leads to collisions, groundings, damage to subsea -cables and -pipelines, or pollution. Ship operators, Masters and crew need to be aware of the risks involved and thoroughly assess the limitations of a vessels’ anchoring equipment. Senior Loss Prevention Executive Jarle Fosen recently shared Gard’s experience and recommendations at the DNV sponsored webinar co-hosted by Gard and The Swedish Club.


A growing number of anchor losses, anchor dragging, and anchor removal cases prompted DNV, Gard and The Swedish Club to collaborate on an anchor loss awareness campaign back in 2016. Despite the awareness raised then on the most frequent technical and operational issues, we are today still seeing an increase in cases. Might there be some new reasons for the increase in anchor loss and dragging incidents?

Due to congestion, ships are spending more time at anchorages and are anchoring in areas more exposed to extreme and sudden environmental conditions. This is likely due to the state of our global economy with recent years of economic downturn and the COVID pandemic with the logistical disruptions that have followed for both crew changes and cargo handling.

Due to the pandemic, we have also seen passenger vessels temporarily laid-up in exposed anchorages. Containerships and car carriers that did not often use their anchoring equipment now have to use it for extended periods of time while waiting in the queues outside loading terminals. Climate change also contributes to losses with more frequent extreme weather events and in locations previously known to be benign and safe. Climate change has also resulted in longer periods of high and fast water in river approaches, for example the Mississippi.  

Learning from Gard’s claims data

Gard’s claims data from 2015-2020 confirm an increasing trend in anchor loss and removal cases. We have also studied vessel movements which show that a vessel with an anchor claim dropped the anchor on average 28% more often and spent on average 27% longer time at anchorage than a vessel without an anchor claim.

Similarly, the vessel movement data revealed that during the same 2015-2020 period, a vessel with an anchor claim spent on average 18% longer time in bad weather during a year than a vessel without an anchor claim. Bad weather is defined as wind forces between Beaufort scale 8 - 12, where 8 equals gale forces and 12 hurricane forces.

Risks and limitations of a ship’s anchoring equipment

In most of the anchor claim cases, environmental risk factors, such as weather, strength of the currents, water depth and holding ground, played a significant role in the loss. In general, anchoring equipment is designed for temporary mooring in harbors or sheltered waters, but in today’s real world many anchoring locations are outside sheltered waters.

We suspect one of the key issues is a general lack of awareness of the environmental loads for which anchoring equipment is designed. The anchoring equipment is not designed to hold a vessel off fully exposed coasts in rough weather or during frequent anchoring operations in open sea. In such conditions the loads on the anchoring equipment will increase to such a degree that its components may be damaged or lost owing to the high energy forces generated.

Through the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Class societies have agreed to a set of unified requirements for anchoring equipment (UR A1) and make reference to this in their Class Rules.

The anchoring Equipment Number (EN) calculations, as found in UR A1, are based on the following assumed environmental load conditions:

·     Current velocity: max. 2.5m/s

·     Wind velocity: max. 25m/s

·     No waves (sheltered waters)

·     Length of chain paid out scope 6-10

·     Good holding ground

For ships with an equipment length greater than 135m, an alternative UR A1 environmental condition may be considered:

·     Current velocity: 1.54m/s

·     Wind velocity: 11m/s

·     Significant wave height 2m

The IACS UR A1 has been revised recently and the revised requirements in UR A1, Rev 7, September 2020 (corrigendum published in September 2021) will apply to ships contracted for construction from 1 January 2022. The updates in that last revision include consideration for the front projected area and side projected area of large funnels in the equipment number calculations to account for their contribution to anchoring loads. This change may be required following the addition of scrubbers on many ships which increase the profile of the funnel and thereby affect how the wind applies force to the vessel.

Dragging anchor

The most serious and very costly cases occur when a ship drags its anchor in strong currents or bad weather, leading to collisions with other nearby anchored ships, groundings and loss of the ship, pollution or damage to cables and pipelines on the seabed.

 “Dragging anchor” means the ship drifts without holding power, even though it has been anchored. It is important to note that it can take some time for the crew to realize the anchor is dragging and the ship drifting. Once realized, it will take time to weigh (lift) the anchor, start the engines and restore the ship to full maneuverable condition, a period during which the ship may run dangerously close to other ships or structures, or into shoal water.

Where are anchors lost and required to be removed?

The below heat map shows the locations of anchor losses and anchor removal cases recorded by Gard in the last six years. The map confirms that the concentration of cases (big circle sizes) is found in the areas with larger shipping ports and in areas more affected by strong currents and bad weather.

For example, the map shows there is a significant number of cases in and around New Orleans and the wider Mississippi River delta. 2019 and 2020 were exceptional years for high river related casualties, due to the extended period of high river conditions in the Mississippi River. When certain areas of the river are considered to have reached high water level, local authorities require all deep draft vessels that are not moored alongside or moored to a buoy to have at minimum three means to hold its position. This may be achieved by using both anchors in addition to the propulsion system or being aided by a tug as the third means of holding position. When using both anchors there is a higher risk of the chains getting crossed, entangled, and damaging the anchor.

The map also shows that there is a surprising number of anchor claims in and around Fujairah, UAE. This area is assumed to have benign weather and sea conditions. However, the water depth at Fujairah anchorage is considered deep waters and varies from 70-130 meters. ‘Letting Go’ the anchor in such deep water could cause the brake system to burn out and leave the windlass without control, damaging the windlass, bitter end, or in some cases resulting in total loss of the cable and anchor.

One of the key findings in casualty investigations is the importance of the crew being aware of the environmental loads their anchoring equipment is designed for. If these limits are not considered during shipboard anchoring operations, there can be significant damage to the ship – even beyond the loss of the anchor and the chain.


Many anchor losses are preventable if proper maintenance and handling procedures are followed. Performing correct anchoring operations is vital to the safety of the vessel, and, prior to anchoring, the Master should take into consideration the following:

Set a policy for the conditions requiring leaving the anchorage - If a ship is anchored in an area exposed to weather, it is necessary to have a clear policy as to when to leave. There have been cases where Masters have been under commercial pressure not to leave an anchorage, and disasters have followed because the Master was tempted “to wait and see until the morning”, although the weather forecast was bad.

Respect the limitations of the anchoring equipment – Masters must be particularly vigilant when anchoring close to shore in bad weather or in high rivers with strong currents and poor holding ground. In making the decision whether to stay or leave, the Master should also be aware of the design limitations of the anchoring equipment. Some Masters may not have full knowledge of these limitations; however, they are laid down by the class societies in their rules for calculating the dimensions, weights and strengths of the anchoring equipment. With the mentioned limitations in mind, it can be seen from instances of ships dragging anchors in bad weather that Masters have at times placed too much trust in their ship’s anchoring equipment. Today’s weather forecasts are usually very reliable and Masters should more often choose to weigh anchor and go out to sea in time if heavy weather is forecast.

Train and mentor crew - Anchoring a vessel safely can only be carried out with proper planning, a properly instructed bridge team, and when positive on-board management and leadership are shown. Owners and managers should ensure that such knowledge is transferred to junior officers through structured training and by making that knowledge available. Good seamanship is often best learned on the job whilst at sea. Proper anchor watches must be maintained which include the use of navigation equipment in setting up anchor watch alarms and parallel indexing. Extra precautions such as additional cable paid out and having engines on immediate notice should also be considered.

Follow below links for tutorial videos.



Σάββατο 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Notice of Readiness and the commencement of laytime

Most voyage charterparties make the commencement of laytime conditional on the tender of a valid notice of readiness. If the notice is invalid, then in the absence of a waiver by charterers (on which see below) laytime will not commence at all, even if the charterers knew or ought to have known that the vessel was in all respects ready. The tender of a valid Notice of Readiness and the subsequent commencement of laytime has been a fertile area of debate in the English courts, this past year or so being no exception with the much-commented cases of the "PETR SCHMIDT" [1998] and the "AGAMEMNON" [1998] being heard. These have assisted in the development and clarification of this area of the law.


General Observations

If a notice is required but none is given then strictly, laytime will not start to run. Arbitrators may however, take a more commercial view and decide on the facts that the charterers were aware or ought to have been aware that the vessel was ready to load and knew that loading was taking place, and that therefore laytime should commence on loading. The burden of proof, however, is on the owners to show that laytime should start to run even though a notice of readiness was not given. This is not satisfactory from the owners point of view as there is no assurance for them that laytime will commence at all.

Where a notice is required then in the absence of an express provision to the contrary, this is required only at the first load port and not at the subsequent load ports or at the discharge port(s). At common law, the notice may be given orally or in writing.


The notice of readiness is the notice to the charterer, shipper, receiver or other person as may be required under the charterparty that:

(1) The vessel has arrived at the specified destination where the notice of readiness can be given. The question of whether the vessel is an "arrived" one for the purposes of commencement of laytime has been the subject of much discussion and case law which is outside the scope of this article. However, it can be said briefly that the specified destination will depend on the terms of the contract; if the charterparty is a berth charterparty then the specified destination is the nominated berth or, if a berth has not been nominated, it will be the first available berth to which the vessel is ordered and the notice of readiness may be tendered at that place subject to the other conditions being satisfied. If, however, the charterparty is a port charterparty then the notice of readiness must be tendered when the vessel is in berth within the specified port or, if a berth is not available, when the vessel is within the port limits and at the waiting area where vessels usually wait for a berth.
Various clauses in the charterparty may advance the time that the vessel may tender the notice even though she may not be at the specified destination. The most familiar is the WIBON ("whether in berth or not") provision which means that under a berth charterparty, if the berth is not immediately accessible, the notice of readiness may be given when the vessel is in the port in which the berth is situated.
Similarly a WIPON ("whether in port or not") provision will enable the notice in certain circumstances to be tendered even if the vessel has not yet entered the port area.

(2) The vessel is ready to load or discharge the cargo as the case may be. This means that the vessel must be both physically ready in that the holds are ready to receive the cargo and legally ready in that all documentation necessary to enable her to commence loading is in order. If, however, the vessel is ready subject only to a mere formality then the notice may still be able to be tendered. For example, if customs clearance is only obtainable on berthing but the notice can be tendered when the vessel is off berth then this will not affect the vessels readiness.

(3) All other requirements under the charterparty concerning the form, timing and the party to whom the notice is to be tendered have been complied with.

Validity of the notice of readiness

A notice of readiness therefore contains several statements of fact. In order to be a valid notice, those statements must be true. If the statements are incorrect the notice is invalid and a nullity so far as the contract is concerned and ineffective to start laytime. Further, as was made clear in the leading authority of the "MEXICO I" [1990] (described below), if the statements were untrue when they were made, the notice does not subsequently become valid when the circumstances change. If therefore, there is any doubt as to the validity of the notice, it is always advisable for the master to tender a further notice.

The "MEXICO I" [1990] 1 Lloyds Rep 191

The owners let their vessel to the charterers for the carriage of a part cargo of maize from Argentina to Angola. Under the charterparty, the owners had a right to complete the vessel with other cargo. On completion of loading, the vessel was also carrying a cargo of beans for the same charterer under another agreement. Both the maize and the beans were over stowed by parts of the completion cargo. On arrival at the discharge port, the vessel tendered notice of readiness (on 25th January). However, at the time of tender neither of the charterers cargo was accessible due to the over stow of the completion cargo. The charterers maize cargo became accessible on 6th February and the beans on 19th February which is when discharge of both cargoes commenced. The owners claimed that laytime commenced when the cargo became fully accessible on 6th February. Charterers on the other hand claimed that time commenced only when discharge actually commenced on 19th February.

The Court of Appeal held that the notice was invalid and a nullity when given and ineffective therefore to commence laytime even if the charterers knew or ought to have known of the vessels subsequent readiness. Accordingly, the charterers were entitled to insist on a further notice of readiness in order for laytime to commence unless they had in the meantime waived their right to a further notice or agreed that it would not be necessary. On the particular facts in this case, the Judge found that although the notice was invalid, the charterers had nevertheless accepted it via their agents on the commencement of discharge. As a matter of principle, however, the judge confirmed that an acceptance of an invalid notice in circumstances where the charterers were unaware of the inaccuracy in the notice could not bind the charterers and they were not prevented from subsequently disputing the effect of the notice. What will constitute a waiver of the defect or acceptance of an invalid notice is considered in more detail below.

Unless there is provision to the contrary in the charterparty, the statements in the notice must relate to the time that they are made and when the notice is given. There is a distinction however between an invalid notice and one that is uncontractual in that it has been tendered to the wrong party or at the wrong time of day. A notice that falls within the second category may still be regarded as valid. The law in this area has recently been clarified in the following recent cases.

The "AGAMEMNON" [1998] CLC Rep 106

The "AGAMEMNON" was chartered to load a cargo of steel pipes from Baton Rouge to Brisbane. The charterparty provided that the vessel was at the South West Pass and "ready to proceed to loading port weather permitting". The South West Pass, however, was 170 miles from Baton Rouge and it did not form part of that port. A notice of readiness was tendered at the South West Pass. It was not until two days later however that the vessel arrived at Baton Rouge general anchorage but, due to the designated berth being unavailable, loading did not commence until later the following day.
The charterparty provided that if the berth was not available on the vessel
s arrival at the port or so near thereto as she may be permitted to approach, the notice could be tendered on arrival and laytime would then commence as if she were in berth and in all respects ready.

The charterers considered that the notice of readiness tendered at the South West Pass was premature, since it was given prior to the vessels arrival at a point so near to Baton Rouge as she could approach i.e. the Baton Rouge general anchorage, and as no notice was given when the vessel reached that point later, laytime did not commence until loading started.

The charterers failed to persuade the arbitrators to agree with this view, but on appeal, the Judge found in their favor. In accepting their arguments, the Judge relied on the Court of Appeal decision in the "MEXICO I" [1990] which made clear that when a notice is to be given in order to start laytime running, this must be a valid notice and not an "inchoate" or "delayed action device" seeking to commence laytime automatically on the happening of a certain event. In such cases, a fresh notice must be given. Applying that case to the facts before him, the Judge found that the notice of readiness in this case represented that the vessel was at the place at which it was permissible for the notice to be tendered (the Baton Rouge anchorage). This was clearly not the case and the notice was therefore invalid and could not trigger the commencement of laytime.

The "PETR SCHMIDT" [1998] C.A.

 In this case, the charterparty provided that the notice of readiness had to be tendered to the charterer or his agent within 0600- and 1700-hours local time and laytime was to commence six hours from the receipt of that notice or upon the vessels arrival, whichever first occurred. Of the various notices given at the load and discharge ports, one was given at 0100 hours and the other two at 1800 hours. The charterers argued that since the notices were tendered outside the specified period, they were non-contractual being in breach of the relevant clause and therefore invalid and of no effect in accordance with the principles in the "MEXICO I".

It was common ground that (a) when the notice of readiness was given the vessel had then arrived at the appropriate place within the port in question (b) the vessel was in fact ready to load or discharge as required by the charterparty and the statement of readiness was therefore correct (c) the vessel continued to be ready and (d) no further notices were given.

In their judgment, the Court of Appeal confirmed the principle decided in the "MEXICO I" namely, that in order to be a valid notice, it must contain accurate statements of existing fact. In the "MEXICO I" the notice stated that the vessel was ready when in fact she was not and the notice was therefore invalid. In the "PETR SCHMIDT", however, the notice was correct in that the vessel was ready and at the required place but was sent to the charterers outside office hours. The Court drew a distinction between the requirement to "tender" a notice of readiness and to "give" or to "receive" one. The Court found in this case that the telex notice was sent out of office hours but was "tendered" at the receivers office opening at 0600 hours the following morning and that this therefore complied with the charterparty requirement. However, the Court also considered what the position would be if the charterparty required the notices of readiness to be "given" or "received" by charterers within certain periods and they are in fact given or received outside these periods. The Court held that in such cases (provided the notice was otherwise correct) the notice would be non-contractual and therefore wrong but not invalid at the time it was given. The practical effect of a non-contractual notice which is tendered outside the required time is, that while it may not be effective to start the laytime clock running, the defect may be "cured" by, for example, the passage of time and laytime will start at that point. As the Court pointed out, whether the defect can be so "cured" is a question of fact rather than the law and will vary from case to case.

The charterers may choose to accept an otherwise invalid notice. However, this acceptance must be in clear terms and in these circumstances, owners will leave themselves open to the argument that this acceptance was induced by an incorrect representation in the notice as happened in the "MEXICO I". In those cases, the charterers would not be precluded from disputing the effect of the invalid notice.

Acceptance/Waiver by charterers.

In other cases, the charterers may be regarded as having accepted the invalid notice with full knowledge of the defect, or as having waived the defect such that they are subsequently estopped from relying on it (such as in the "SHACKLEFORD" [1978] 2 Lloyds Rep. 154). Whether there has been such an acceptance will depend on the facts of each case. However, as expressed in the "MEXICO I", at the very least it must be shown that there was some kind of bilateral representation and conduct by the parties to provide evidence that the original contractual arrangement as to the commencement of laytime had been replaced by something new.

It will be seen from the above that the recent cases have clarified the law. However, there are still some grey areas. In order therefore, to be absolutely certain that time will start to count at the earliest opportunity, if there is any doubt as to the validity of the original notice the master should issue a further notice of readiness.