Πέμπτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Charterers Terms and Conditions 2021

With an ever changing Insurance market, it becomes even more important to have a clear set of Terms and Conditions dedicated to our Charterers Members.
The Charterers Terms and Conditions 2021 reflects the latest developments in the market

whilst continuing to provide comprehensive cover as accustomed from the UK P&I Club. Although the majority of the changes are minor and are there to further increase the readability of the clauses, we would like to highlight some material changes to our Charterers Terms and Conditions 2021.  

The CTC 2021 will apply to all Charterers Members with covers attaching with effect from 20th February 2021. A digital copy can be found below, as well as on our Charterers & Traders page. Limited hard copies will be printed and made available to Members, same can be ordered by filling out the following online form.

Copy may be downloaded at https://www.ukpandi.com/-/media/files/uk-p-and-i-club/rules/2021/charterers-terms-and-condition-2021.pdf