Κυριακή 14 Απριλίου 2019

The final countdown...the 2020 sulphur cap

The global sulphur cap, a MARPOL Annex VI requirement, enters into force on 1 January 2020, less than nine months away. In this short article we provide recommendations for managing the transition where the strategy is to use conventional compliant fuel, that is to transition from HSFO to a low sulphur fuel oil or distillate.

The cap means that the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board commercial ships trading globally must not exceed 0.50% m/m. This is a reduction from the current global limit of 3.50% m/m that applies outside of designated emission control areas (ECAs). However, the 0.10% sulphur limit shall continue to apply inside ECAs and for ships at berth in EU ports.
Ships can meet the 2020 sulphur cap requirement by using:
·         conventional compliant fuel such as sulphur controlled distillates or residual fuel oils;
·         alternative fuel types that meet the sulphur limits, such as LNG, methanol or hydrogen, some biofuels and synthetically manufactured fuel oils; or
·         an equivalent means to remove sulphur oxides from post-combustion exhaust emissions, such as an exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS), more often referred to as a “scrubber”.
To assist global implementation of the sulphur limits Regulation 14.1 of MARPOL Annex VI prohibits the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil from 1 March 2020 unless the vessel is fitted with a scrubber.   
The “compliance strategy”, which is primarily a choice between stemming compliant fuel or using a scrubber, is a commercial decision for shipowners and charterers. 
Ready, steady... 2020!
Owners and charterers should work with their counterparties to do some or all of the following to manage the transition to low sulphur fuels:
·         Use the BIMCO 2020 clauses. The 2020 Fuel Transition Clause for Time Charter Parties and the 2020 Marine Fuel Sulphur Content Clause for Time Charter Parties were published on 10 December 2018 and provide an objectively ‘fair’ approach to apportionment of liability for some of the key issues arising out of the change in regulation.
·         Prepare a Ship Implementation Plan (SIP) and carry it out. Maintain a record of its implementation onboard.  IMO guidance on the  use of SIPs was approved during MEPC73 in October 2018 and has been issued as MEPC.1/Circ.878.  As a minimum, the plan should provide guidance on
o    how to segregate different fuel grades,
o    how and when to carry out compatibility testing, and
o    how and when to carry out tank cleaning.
·         Work with your counterparty.  If your charterparty is going to straddle the 1 January 2020 deadline, begin a conversation now with your owner/charterer. Come to an agreement as to how you will handle the cleaning of tanks, and the purging of all pipework and the fuel oil service system, of all HSFO residues.
·         Decide how and when tank cleaning will take place. Will it be during dry dock or whilst the vessel is in service?  If you intend to dry dock, make sure that it is booked well in advance of the 1 January 2020 deadline.
·         Identify what type of compliant fuel you intend to use and begin to source reliable suppliers. Seek advice from engine manufacturers prior to ordering and using new/unfamiliar types of fuel.
·         Brief the Master and crew. Make sure they are prepared for the 1 January 2020 deadline change and the processes that will need to be put in place in advance of that date. Make sure they understand the importance of the entire ship’s system being purged of any HSFO residues. Have a plan in place for any unforeseen breaches and make sure your Master and crew know what to do and how to complete any necessary paperwork, including the IMO Draft Report on Compliant Fuel Non-Availability.
The MARPOL 0.50% sulphur regulation change will come into force on 1 January 2020. This deadline will not be put back. To make sure that you are properly prepared we would encourage you to adopt some of the suggestions set out above.  MEPC 74 is scheduled to take place between 13 – 17 May, to finalise the IMO’s response to some of the still unresolved 2020 issues. A further Gard update will follow publication of the report of that meeting. In the meantime, if you require further advice or guidance, please contact your Gard representative who will be able to assist you further.

Πέμπτη 4 Απριλίου 2019

Liquid Cargo Sampling

A pro-active approach to cargo sampling on tankers can potentially save millions of dollars in claims and prevent delays to the vessel. In this Insight, insurance and P&I club Gard looks at some critical aspects of cargo sampling on tankers. Disputes relating to ‘off-spec’ or contaminated liquid cargoes are a recurring problem and ship owners may have no independent evidence as to the cause of an alleged cargo contamination.  
The source of the problem could be in the shore tank at the load port, in the shore pipeline during loading or on board the vessel itself. The cargo could even have been manufactured out of specification prior to delivery to the terminal for shipment.
However, if the cargo is found to be ‘off-spec’ when the vessel arrives at the discharge port and there is no evidence of contamination from the load port, the vessel could be faced with a claim, even if the vessel is not at fault. Samples drawn at the load port and retained on board showing that the condition of the cargo has not changed between loading and discharge provide the best defense against cargo claims. It is therefore important that ship owners and operators implement proper procedures for taking, and retaining, own (duplicate) samples of all cargoes loaded on the vessel and train their crew in how to perform the sampling process. For example, an experienced officer may be able to identify a poor-quality sample by visual inspection alone, and early intervention may prevent an expensive claim arising later.

Case Study

Although substantial resources are used on board vessels in the preparation and cleaning of tanks and lines prior to loading, we see that samples are frequently not taken by the vessel at the start of loading. Alternatively, where samples are taken, they are not taken following the proper procedure or are discarded for one reason or another before they can be analyzed.
In a recent Gard case, a chemical carrier arrived at a terminal with its cargo tanks and lines cleaned and ready for loading.
The vessel was inspected upon arrival and found to be suitable for the nominated cargo. No manifold samples were taken at the commencement of loading, but first foot samples were taken from the designated tanks that were being loaded.
Upon analysis of the first foot samples, the cargo was found to be ‘off-spec’ resulting in stoppages and delays on the vessel’s account for further tank cleaning. The vessel was held responsible for contaminating the cargo and the cargo in the vessel’s tank was pumped back ashore and the vessel was instructed to leave the terminal to clean her cargo tanks and lines.
She returned to the terminal following cleaning operations and loading was resumed. On this occasion, manifold samples were taken and analysed and everything found to be in order. However, upon detailed analysis of the sample of the contaminated cargo, the cause of the contamination was suspected to be from the remains of the previous cargo in the shore tanks and lines. Given that there were no manifold samples on the first occasion, there was no way for the vessel to prove that the cargo received on the first occasion may have been contaminated prior loading. Protecting interestsThe manifold - The transfer of custody of the cargo from another vessel or the terminal to the vessel, and vice versa, normally takes place when the cargo passes the vessel’s manifold. A manifold sample taken at the start of loading and discharge can, in principle, determine who is responsible for the contamination of a cargo. It should be noted that manifold samples should be taken outboard of the manifold valve. During this process, the loading rate should be very low, preferably by gravity.
In some Gard cases, even where a manifold sample had been taken at the start of loading, samples have been known to have been disposed of by the crew if they do not appear to be of the expected quality. A new sample is then drawn once the cargo quality appears as expected, and becomes the manifold sample ‘on record’, as having been taken by the ship at first loading.
Thus, the only evidence available in this instance indicates that sound cargo was loaded and the evidence showing that the cargo had been contaminated ashore is lost.
While this practice appears to be counterintuitive, it is nonetheless, prevalent. First foot samples - These should be taken to confirm that the vessel’s systems and pipes are clean. This is particularly important where sensitive and/or expensive cargoes are loaded to reduce the risks associated with contamination of the entire cargo parcel. Tank samples- Taking a final tank sample after completion of loading and prior to commencement of discharge will enable the vessel to determine the cause of any potential contamination on board. It can also be useful for the officer in charge to request specimens of samples taken by the terminal’s surveyor at the terminal’s manifold as well as samples from the shore tank and shore line.
If the quality of the cargo samples from the ship and shore appear to be different, loading should be ceased for further investigation.


To ensure the best possible defense of a cargo claim against the vessel, it is recommended that ship owners create awareness among the crew of the problems related to improper sampling and have in place written procedures describing the sampling process in detail. An improper sampling method can result in a poor-quality sample which is not necessarily representative of the cargo itself.
The procedures should include and emphasize the following points:
• Involvement of vessels’ crew. The crew should participate in the taking of cargo samples, both during loading and discharge, and should be competent in checking and verifying the quality of the samples taken. The Chief Officer should preferably be involved in all cargo sampling whether it is taking samples for the vessel or for the charterers.
• Independent cargo samples to be taken by the vessels’ crew. As a minimum, the crew should, for each grade of the cargo, take:
• Manifold samples, taken at a vessel’s manifold at the start of loading, preferably with the manifold valve in a closed position. Spot checks should be carried out at the manifold during loading whenever practicable, eg after shore stops and/or change of shore tanks.
• Pump stack samples, if taken by a surveyor the vessel should take own/duplicate samples.
• First foot samples, taken from the cargo tanks once cargo level reached the first foot in the tank(s).
• Final tank samples, taken from the cargo tanks after completion of loading.
• Cargo tank samples prior to commencement of discharge.
• The importance of the manifold sample often referred to as the ‘million-dollar sample’. Where a proper sample of the first products loaded has been drawn and retained on board, any uncertainty about the quality of the cargo at the time of loading can usually be clarified at relatively low cost. Vessel procedures should therefore be specifically formulated to avoid any misunderstandings when it comes to ensuring that this manifold sample is never disposed of, regardless of its apparent quality.

Handling of samples

• Always flush the sampling point prior to drawing a sample.
• Always use clean and appropriate sampling equipment and properly label, seal and store the samples in designated areas
• The labelling should always state where, what type and when the sample was drawn, eg ‘manifold at commencement of loading’ or ‘final tank sample drawn in the middle of cargo tank 4P’.
• Ensure there are sufficient sample amounts for retesting if necessary.
• For sample retention, we recommend members and clients have a clear policy taking into consideration the storage space, the vessel’s schedule and the number of grades loaded for each voyage. Samples should be retained for at least three months after the completion of discharge. If the vessel has received complaints during a voyage the samples should be retained for longer if possible, or ask your insurer if the samples can be disposed of.
• Recordings should be made in the cargo log-book to ensure traceability of samples taken.
• Sample bottles should, as far as possible, be suitable for the cargo in question. For example, use amber coloured glass bottles for UV sensitive cargo to prevent deterioration due to the effects of UV lights.
• For cargo that is oxygen sensitive the bottles should be purged with nitrogen prior to sampling.
• Sample report: On completion of sampling, a sample report should be produced by the vessel listing the unique identifier number of each sample retained on board and of the samples given to the charterers’ surveyor. The sample report should be jointly signed by the vessel’s Master, or his representative, and the charterers’ surveyor. Ship owners and operators should instruct their officers on board that whenever they are in doubt as to the apparent quality of a liquid bulk cargo, they should seek expert advice and have any samples analyzed at the loading port.

Δευτέρα 1 Απριλίου 2019

Safety warning about drivers remaining in vehicle cabs while ferries are at sea

Urgent safety lessons issued after shift and toppling of freight vehicles on board a ro-ro passenger ferry in heavy weather.

Published 26 March 2019

Safety Issues

  • while a ferry is at sea, the ro-ro decks should be occupied by only trained professional seafarers who are required to undertake safety and security patrols
  • drivers who remain on the vehicle deck of ro-ro passenger ferries pose a danger to themselves and can cause delay in emergency response
  • drivers who remain in their vehicle cabs could be in danger of asphyxiation by fire, or as a result of the fire suppression systems that may be released by ship’s staff


A recommendation (S2019/106) has been made to The Road Haulage Association Ltd to distribute this Safety Bulletin to its members and encourage them to take robust action to improve and assure driver safety by helping ferry operators eliminate the issue of drivers remaining in the cabs of freight vehicles on ro-ro decks.
Full report at,